Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 4

5 Goals for a successful day:
1- Work out first thing in the morning before Robert goes to work... completed
2- Watch part of Body of Work for motivation... setback
3- No food cheats...completed
4- Enlist support from Tracker... setback
5- Don't get down on myself about yesterday's cheat meal... completed
Notes: Today was right on and I felt good. Oh yeah... except for the major soreness. My body hurts like no other and I'm moving around slowly and awkardly. I look like some sort of weird robot. But today was a clean and successful day.

1. 7:30A egg enchiladas (egg mixture with 2 heated up corn tortillas, LF cheese and salsa), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal... 9A same as planned
2. 10A 3 boiled egg whites and fruit... 11A strawberries and LF cheese
3. 1P turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA... same as planned with cucumber as veggie
4. 3P CC RTD... 5P same as planned
5. 6P taco pasta salad, salad, 2 CLA... 7:15P same as planned
6. 8P CC RTD... 9P same as planned
Water- 125 oz H2O
Notes: Today was much better. My breakfast I had is one of my favorites. Yum! My timing got a little off by meal 4 and I ate an hour later than I would have liked to but I took a much needed nap that I didn't want to interrupt so no big deal. Squeaky clean and super yummy day.

HIIT, Treadmill
Planned Time- 6:10-6:30A
Actual Time- 7:40-9A
Distance- 1.31 miles
Minutes Ran- 9
Highest Speed- 5.3
Notes: I woke up late but thankfully Robert wasn't able to go to work until late so it worked out. I really wasn't wanting to run when I got up this morning or even when I first started. But I kept going and eventually felt good about it and glad I did it. I even got more distance. Note to self though... find a REALLY good sports bra!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Seriously! You are doing awesome! I know what you mean about whole Sports Bra, i find that 2-3 help the most b/c I am so large. If you find anything let me know.