Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This is it!

I've known about Body-for-LIFE since the first time it appeared in a Muscle Media magazine. I was only a teenager then but the first time I saw Body of Work, I was an addict-for-LIFE. I love this program and I've tried starting who knows how many times. But that's the problem see. I need to finish one of them. I'm now 25 with a beautiful daughter who's two and a half, a beautiful son who's 4 months old and an amazing husband. They deserve the best Sarah I can be. I need my health. I'm so sick of always being tired and feeling down in the dumps. I've finally been able to accomplish some huge spiritual goals in my life and am ready to move on and progress in other very important aspects of my life. I love to play soccer but when I played an adult recreational league a ehile ago I almost died. I was so out of shape and I just felt so fat and yucky every time I ran for the ball. I want to be athletic like I once was and I want to be one hot mamma! I want to be able to wear cute clothes and not be depressed every time I have to go buy new clothes and can't find anything that fits right. I want to have confidence in myself and I want the satisfaction of knowing I can accomplish this goal that I've set out to accomlish 197... or at least it feels like that many times... to accomplish. I have faith in this program because I see how it's worked for so many people. I won't even try another program because I know this is the one for me. I started this challenge April 21, 2008 and am so, so excited about it! I have the perfect end date to envision- my niece's wedding day in which I will be a bridesmaid. I want to look hot in that dress! And I am already signed up for the Walt Disney half-marathon this coming January so I need to start training like yesterday. I will not put this off any longer. I feel good that I've lost 60 lbs. since I had my son on Dec. 13th but it's not good enough. I can do this! I know I can, I know I can, I know I can...

1 comment:

Dustin & Ashley said...

I have been telling myself i was going to do a half marathon too...where is the one you are doing?