Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 0: Pics and Stats

I can't even begin to tell you how embarrassing this was for my husband to take these pictures. And the only reason I post them publicly online even though risking major humiliation and embarrassment, is because I know it will motivate me to be diligent and be able to put up better pictures as fast as possible and to be able to publicly hold myself accountable. Please don't be too disgusted by me!Stats and Measurements:
BF% measured at www.biofitness.com/bodyfat.html May not be completely accurate, but at least it will be consistent!
Weight: 195.4
Bodyfat %: 36
Fat weight: 70.4 lbs.
Lean weight: 125
Neck: 14
Chest: 46
Biceps: 14
Forearms: 10.5
Hips: 43
Waist: 39
Thighs: 23.5
Calves: 17


Karen said...

sarah, you are a brave woman! I don't think I could do that. way to go, congrats!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!! I am doing another weight loss plan, not BFL, but I go work out everday and have to eat a certain diet etc. But I was so embarrassed and ashamed when I went in and had to be measure and weighed in front of everyone. What I realized what was killing my spirit was looking at old pictures of me. I will never look like that again, but I will look healthier nonetheless!!!! But I am proud of you and wished I lived closer we could work towards our healthiness together!

Dustin & Ashley said...

I'm proud of you. The only way to get past where you are now is to know you will be more healthy and never go back to where you are now. I stuggle everyday with my weight and I must say....I need to get my butt in gear. I was doing well then I hurt my ankle riding my dirtbike...so then the depression comes along with the ice cream and junk food....but i'm back on track and weighed myself yesterday and am at 156.2 so I'm still working hard...I want to be at 140! Let's work together!!!!