Motivational Quote:
"You will change how you see, not just how you look." BP
"You must give each and every workout your best effort, and then some! ... each and every workout you perform matters." BP
5 Goals for a successful day:
1- Make a list of why I'm worth taking care of...
2- Try to think like a healthy person all day...
3- Watch some of Body Of Work for motivation...
4- Review and visualize goals...
5- Enlist support from Tracker...
1. 10A egg mixture and oatmeal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal...
2. 12P left-over taco pasta salad, salad, 2 CLA...
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt...
4. 4P CC RTD...
5. 6P ** Free Meal- Friend's Birthday party, 2 CLA...
6. 8P CC RTD...
Water- oz H2O
Planned Time- 8:14-9A (1 min. rest in between each set except no rest in between power set and 2 min. when switching body parts)
Actual Time-
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Day 4
1. 7:30A egg enchiladas (egg mixture with 2 heated up corn tortillas, LF cheese and salsa), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal... 9A same as planned
2. 10A 3 boiled egg whites and fruit... 11A strawberries and LF cheese
3. 1P turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA... same as planned with cucumber as veggie
4. 3P CC RTD... 5P same as planned
5. 6P taco pasta salad, salad, 2 CLA... 7:15P same as planned
HIIT, Treadmill
Planned Time- 6:10-6:30A
5 Goals for a successful day:
1- Work out first thing in the morning before Robert goes to work... completed
2- Watch part of Body of Work for motivation... setback
3- No food cheats...completed
4- Enlist support from Tracker... setback
5- Don't get down on myself about yesterday's cheat meal... completed
Notes: Today was right on and I felt good. Oh yeah... except for the major soreness. My body hurts like no other and I'm moving around slowly and awkardly. I look like some sort of weird robot. But today was a clean and successful day.
1- Work out first thing in the morning before Robert goes to work... completed
2- Watch part of Body of Work for motivation... setback
3- No food cheats...completed
4- Enlist support from Tracker... setback
5- Don't get down on myself about yesterday's cheat meal... completed
Notes: Today was right on and I felt good. Oh yeah... except for the major soreness. My body hurts like no other and I'm moving around slowly and awkardly. I look like some sort of weird robot. But today was a clean and successful day.
1. 7:30A egg enchiladas (egg mixture with 2 heated up corn tortillas, LF cheese and salsa), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal... 9A same as planned
2. 10A 3 boiled egg whites and fruit... 11A strawberries and LF cheese
3. 1P turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA... same as planned with cucumber as veggie
4. 3P CC RTD... 5P same as planned
5. 6P taco pasta salad, salad, 2 CLA... 7:15P same as planned
6. 8P CC RTD... 9P same as planned
Water- 125 oz H2O
Notes: Today was much better. My breakfast I had is one of my favorites. Yum! My timing got a little off by meal 4 and I ate an hour later than I would have liked to but I took a much needed nap that I didn't want to interrupt so no big deal. Squeaky clean and super yummy day.
Water- 125 oz H2O
Notes: Today was much better. My breakfast I had is one of my favorites. Yum! My timing got a little off by meal 4 and I ate an hour later than I would have liked to but I took a much needed nap that I didn't want to interrupt so no big deal. Squeaky clean and super yummy day.
HIIT, Treadmill
Planned Time- 6:10-6:30A
Actual Time- 7:40-9A
Distance- 1.31 miles
Minutes Ran- 9
Highest Speed- 5.3
Notes: I woke up late but thankfully Robert wasn't able to go to work until late so it worked out. I really wasn't wanting to run when I got up this morning or even when I first started. But I kept going and eventually felt good about it and glad I did it. I even got more distance. Note to self though... find a REALLY good sports bra!
Minutes Ran- 9
Highest Speed- 5.3
Notes: I woke up late but thankfully Robert wasn't able to go to work until late so it worked out. I really wasn't wanting to run when I got up this morning or even when I first started. But I kept going and eventually felt good about it and glad I did it. I even got more distance. Note to self though... find a REALLY good sports bra!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Day 3
Motivational Quote:
"See where you're going before you get there." BP (Bill Phillips, founder of Body-for-LIFE)
"Life gives you the choice... either learn to overcome challenges or succumb to them." BP
5 Goals for a successful day:
1- Do an early morning work-out so I'll be prepared for park day...success
2- Visualize reaching my goals...setback
3- Watch some of Body Of Work for motivation...setback
4- Enlist support from others on websites...setback
5- Show support to others on websites...setback
Notes: Day 3 was a rough one for me emotionally. I started off fine but I was going through some major depression issues and I finally realized, which is probably been obvious all along, that I'm a major comfort eater. I eat to comfort myself. And I never realized how bad it is until yesterday when I had a break-down and realized all I wanted to do was eat junk. I caved unfortunately but I won't let it get me down and I'll just count that as one of my free meals so no worries. I'm glad I'm aware of this problem I have so I can be prepared for when the problem arises and learn how to prevent comfort eating.
1. 8:30A egg mixture and oatmeal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal...10A CC RTD
2. 11A turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA...12P egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
3. 1P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt... 2P turkey sandwich, salad, 2 CLA
4. 3P CC RTD...4P CC RTD
5. 6P taco pasta salad, salad, 2 CLA... ** Free Meal- 4 Hershey's nougats, handful of Doritos, 3 slices pepperoni Barro's pizza, about 1 cup Ben & Jerry's oatmeal cookie chunk ice cream (very dangerous discovery for me:( )
6. 8P CC RTD... no 6th meal
Water- 135oz H2O
Notes: So today started off mixed up in the first place since I got to my work-out later than planned and didn't have time to eat before I went to park day. But I worked with it and did well until I had a major depression attack and realized I'm a comfort eater. But like I said above, I am not gonna let it get me down and I'm gonna count my splurges as a free meal and move forward.
LBWO (Lower Body Work-out [weight training])
Planned Time- 6:48-7:30A (1 min. rest in between each set except no rest in between power set and 2 min. when switching body parts)
Actual Time- 8:30-9A
Quads- leg extentions 15x12, 30x10, 45x8, 60x6, power set 45x12, leg press 180x12
Hamstrings- lying leg curls 40x12, 50x10, 60x8, 70x6, power set 60x12, lunges 24x12
Calves- leg press machine calf raises 60x12, 70x10, 80x8, 90x6, power set 80x12, one-legged calf raise 20x12
Abs- ball crunches 3 sets of 25 with 45 second rests in between
Notes: Pretty good work-out. Need to do more weight on leg lift- only about a 7 intensity intead of a 10. Not sure about weight amount listed for calf raises. Need to find a good ab routine.
Motivational Quote:
"See where you're going before you get there." BP (Bill Phillips, founder of Body-for-LIFE)
"Life gives you the choice... either learn to overcome challenges or succumb to them." BP
5 Goals for a successful day:
1- Do an early morning work-out so I'll be prepared for park day...success
2- Visualize reaching my goals...setback
3- Watch some of Body Of Work for motivation...setback
4- Enlist support from others on websites...setback
5- Show support to others on websites...setback
Notes: Day 3 was a rough one for me emotionally. I started off fine but I was going through some major depression issues and I finally realized, which is probably been obvious all along, that I'm a major comfort eater. I eat to comfort myself. And I never realized how bad it is until yesterday when I had a break-down and realized all I wanted to do was eat junk. I caved unfortunately but I won't let it get me down and I'll just count that as one of my free meals so no worries. I'm glad I'm aware of this problem I have so I can be prepared for when the problem arises and learn how to prevent comfort eating.
1. 8:30A egg mixture and oatmeal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal...10A CC RTD
2. 11A turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA...12P egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
3. 1P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt... 2P turkey sandwich, salad, 2 CLA
4. 3P CC RTD...4P CC RTD
5. 6P taco pasta salad, salad, 2 CLA... ** Free Meal- 4 Hershey's nougats, handful of Doritos, 3 slices pepperoni Barro's pizza, about 1 cup Ben & Jerry's oatmeal cookie chunk ice cream (very dangerous discovery for me:( )
6. 8P CC RTD... no 6th meal
Water- 135oz H2O
Notes: So today started off mixed up in the first place since I got to my work-out later than planned and didn't have time to eat before I went to park day. But I worked with it and did well until I had a major depression attack and realized I'm a comfort eater. But like I said above, I am not gonna let it get me down and I'm gonna count my splurges as a free meal and move forward.
LBWO (Lower Body Work-out [weight training])
Planned Time- 6:48-7:30A (1 min. rest in between each set except no rest in between power set and 2 min. when switching body parts)
Actual Time- 8:30-9A
Quads- leg extentions 15x12, 30x10, 45x8, 60x6, power set 45x12, leg press 180x12
Hamstrings- lying leg curls 40x12, 50x10, 60x8, 70x6, power set 60x12, lunges 24x12
Calves- leg press machine calf raises 60x12, 70x10, 80x8, 90x6, power set 80x12, one-legged calf raise 20x12
Abs- ball crunches 3 sets of 25 with 45 second rests in between
Notes: Pretty good work-out. Need to do more weight on leg lift- only about a 7 intensity intead of a 10. Not sure about weight amount listed for calf raises. Need to find a good ab routine.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Day 2
5 Goals for a successful day:
5 Goals for a successful day:
2- Finish last touches on blog... completed
3- No food cheats...setback
4- Watch part of Body of Work... setback
5- Hit high point in HIIT... completed
Notes: First... the water is kicking in big time. I think I peed like 39 times today! I'm so sick of the toilet. Today went pretty smoothly except for me eating 2 brownie squares that my Visiting Teachers brought to me. But that's so much better than eating the whole plate ful of them that I normally would. I'm a little stressed and overwhelmed with life at the moment but I kept on track and feel good about it.
1. 10A egg mixture, cereal (Kellogg's All Bran Strawberry Medley with 2% milk), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal... same as planned
2. 12P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA... same as planned with celery sticks as veggie
3. 2P fruit, LF cheese... same as planned with grapes as fruit
4. 4P CC RTD... same as planned, 5P brownie square:(
5. 6P shrimp stiry fry, 2 CLA... 6:30P same as planned, brownie square:(
6. 8P CC RTD... same as planned
Water- 125 oz H2O
Notes: I felt really good and satisfied up until around 5P. My sweet Visiting Teachers brought over brownies which was a nice gesture but major temptation for me- I love brownies. However I was determined to not let it set me back and even though I said I wouldn't have any I only had 2 small squares. Usually I would seriously eat the whole plate by myself so that's a success! And I made up my own recipe for the shrimp stir fry and it was sooo good. I love shrimp! I kept taking little bites of rice though after I was done with my meal which was probably not the best. But all things considered today was a great food day for me!
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Treadmill
Planned Time- 8:40-9A
Actual Time- 8:45-9:05A
Distance- 1.27 miles
Minutes Ran- 9
Highest Speed- 5.0
Notes: So I really think the 2 miles I walked for a couple of days last week helped me out so much. Usually the first day of running when I start this challenge kills me. But I felt really good this time. I felt disgusting and a lot less confident when I saw myself in the mirror today as I worked out but that was good motivation to get my butt moving. It felt really great when I was done.
Day 1
5 Goals for a successful day:
1- Get blog up and running... completed
2- Work out first thing in the morning...completed
3- No food cheats...completed
4- 100 oz H2O... completed
5- Take before pics and measurements... completed
Notes: It took a lot of work but I finally feel like I'm prepared and ready to succeed! I didn't fail to plan so I'm not planning to fail. Squeaky clean day!
Nutrition: (Planned followed by... actual)
Meal 1. 10A egg mixture and oatmeal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal... same as planned
2. 12P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA... CC RTD
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt... 2:30P tropical tuna sandwich, radishes, 2CLA
4. 4P CC RTD... 4:30P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
5. 6P Italian burger, salad, 2 CLA... 6:30P same as planned
6. 8P CC RTD... 9P same as planned
Water- 125 oz H2O
Notes: The food all tasted great. And the Italian burger??... to DIE for! Loved it! And the best part of eating healthy is that my daughter does too!
UBWO (Upper Body Work-out [weight training])
Planned Time- 8:14A-9A (1 min. rest in between each set except no rest in between power set and 2 min. when switching body parts)
Actual Time- 7:50-8:35A
Chest- dumbbell bench press 12x20 (reps x weight), 10x24, 8x30, 6x40, power set 12x30, dumbbell flies 12x30
Shoulders- dumbbell press 10x12, 20x10, 20x8, 24x6, power set 20x12, lateral side raises 10x12
Back- wide-drip pull-down 40x12, 50x10, 60x8, 70x6, power set 60x12, reverse grip pull-down 50x12
Biceps- incline dumbbell curl 10x12, 20x10, 24x8, 30x6, power set 24x12, hammer curls 20x12
Triceps- triceps pushdown 30x12, 40x10, 50x8, 60x6, power set 50x10 (killed me!), overhead extention 15x12
Notes: This felt so good to be back in a gym and working it. I felt super confident and energized during this work-out so I kicked my butt. I'm gonna be so sore! This was totally a kick A** work-out!
5 Goals for a successful day:
1- Get blog up and running... completed
2- Work out first thing in the morning...completed
3- No food cheats...completed
4- 100 oz H2O... completed
5- Take before pics and measurements... completed
Notes: It took a lot of work but I finally feel like I'm prepared and ready to succeed! I didn't fail to plan so I'm not planning to fail. Squeaky clean day!
Nutrition: (Planned followed by... actual)
Meal 1. 10A egg mixture and oatmeal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal... same as planned
2. 12P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA... CC RTD
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt... 2:30P tropical tuna sandwich, radishes, 2CLA
4. 4P CC RTD... 4:30P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
5. 6P Italian burger, salad, 2 CLA... 6:30P same as planned
6. 8P CC RTD... 9P same as planned
Water- 125 oz H2O
Notes: The food all tasted great. And the Italian burger??... to DIE for! Loved it! And the best part of eating healthy is that my daughter does too!
UBWO (Upper Body Work-out [weight training])
Planned Time- 8:14A-9A (1 min. rest in between each set except no rest in between power set and 2 min. when switching body parts)
Actual Time- 7:50-8:35A
Chest- dumbbell bench press 12x20 (reps x weight), 10x24, 8x30, 6x40, power set 12x30, dumbbell flies 12x30
Shoulders- dumbbell press 10x12, 20x10, 20x8, 24x6, power set 20x12, lateral side raises 10x12
Back- wide-drip pull-down 40x12, 50x10, 60x8, 70x6, power set 60x12, reverse grip pull-down 50x12
Biceps- incline dumbbell curl 10x12, 20x10, 24x8, 30x6, power set 24x12, hammer curls 20x12
Triceps- triceps pushdown 30x12, 40x10, 50x8, 60x6, power set 50x10 (killed me!), overhead extention 15x12
Notes: This felt so good to be back in a gym and working it. I felt super confident and energized during this work-out so I kicked my butt. I'm gonna be so sore! This was totally a kick A** work-out!
Weeks 1-2 Menu Plan
I have to plan 2 weeks in advance so I can get all my shopping done on pay day while I have the money. I was so excited to join this awesome co-op called Bountiful Baskets and I got my first delivery of fresh produce on Saturday. I got all this produce for $15! The links posted under my links if anyone's interested. Anyway, this really helps with sticking to my EFL (Eating-for-LIFE) plan and I just choose from my variety for my fruit and veggie servings. And this is what my fridge looks like when it's happy and healthy!
All days will consist of at least 100 oz. H2O
Week 1
Monday- WO (work-out time). 8-9A (AM)
1 (meal #). 10A (time of meal) egg mixture (3 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled), oatmeal mixture (served with about 1 tbsp. Splenda and a dash of cinnamon), 2 CLA (conjugated linolic acid supplement), 1 pre-natal vitamin
2. 12P (PM) tropical tuna sandwich (EFL Cookbook pg# 255), veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P LF (low-fat) cottage cheese with FF (fat-free) yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD (EAS Carb-Control Ready-to-drink shake)
5. 6P Italian burger, salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Tu- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg mixture, Kellogg's All Bran cereal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P fruit, LF cheese
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P teriyaki shrimp with jasmine rice and oriental veggies, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
W- WO. 6:30-7:30A
1. 8:30A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre--natal
2. 11A turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 1P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P taco pasta salad (EFL #171), salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Th- WO. 6-6:30A
1. 7:30A egg enchiladas (egg mixture on top of 2 heated corn tortillas topped with LF cheese and salsa), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 10A 3 boiled egg whites, fruit
3. 1P left-over taco pasta salad, veggie, 2 CLA
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P chicken fajitas, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
F- WO. 8-9A
1. 10A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P ** Free Meal- pizza night, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Sa- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg sandwich (egg mixture on 2 toasted WW [whole wheat] pieces of bread with LF cheese), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P fruit, LF cheese
4. 4P ** Free Meal- Salsa Festival
5. 6P CC RTD
6. 8P CC RTD
Su- No WO (only 5 meals on Sunday and no supplements)
1. 9A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture
2. 11A CC RTD
3. 3P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie
4. 5P ** Free meal- tacos, spanish rice **Free Treat- churros
5. 7P CC RTD
Week 2
Monday- WO. 8-9A
1. 10A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal vitamin
2. 12P chicken pita pizza (EFL #261), 2 CLA
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P grilled chicken salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Tu- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg mixture, Kellogg's All Bran cereal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P CC RTD
3. 2P chicken pita pizza, 2 CLA
4. 4P 3 boiled egg whites, fruit
5. 6P steak, roasted red potatoes, veggie, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
W- WO. 6:30-7:30A
1. 8:30A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre--natal
2. 11A turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 1P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P enchilada soup (EFL #132), salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Th- WO. 6-6:30A
1. 7:30A egg enchiladas, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 10A LF cheese, fruit
3. 1P left-over enchilada soup, salad, 2 CLA
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P sesame beef stir fry (EFL #125), 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
F- WO. 8-9A
1. 10A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P left-over stir fry, 2 CLA
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P ** Free Meal- pizza night, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Sa- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg sandwich, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P CC RTD
4. 4P ** Free Meal- Out to eat w/ Gerald and Rachelle
5. 6P CC RTD
6. 8P CC RTD
All days will consist of at least 100 oz. H2O
Week 1
Monday- WO (work-out time). 8-9A (AM)
1 (meal #). 10A (time of meal) egg mixture (3 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled), oatmeal mixture (served with about 1 tbsp. Splenda and a dash of cinnamon), 2 CLA (conjugated linolic acid supplement), 1 pre-natal vitamin
2. 12P (PM) tropical tuna sandwich (EFL Cookbook pg# 255), veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P LF (low-fat) cottage cheese with FF (fat-free) yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD (EAS Carb-Control Ready-to-drink shake)
5. 6P Italian burger, salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Tu- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg mixture, Kellogg's All Bran cereal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P fruit, LF cheese
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P teriyaki shrimp with jasmine rice and oriental veggies, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
W- WO. 6:30-7:30A
1. 8:30A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre--natal
2. 11A turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 1P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P taco pasta salad (EFL #171), salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Th- WO. 6-6:30A
1. 7:30A egg enchiladas (egg mixture on top of 2 heated corn tortillas topped with LF cheese and salsa), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 10A 3 boiled egg whites, fruit
3. 1P left-over taco pasta salad, veggie, 2 CLA
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P chicken fajitas, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
F- WO. 8-9A
1. 10A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P ** Free Meal- pizza night, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Sa- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg sandwich (egg mixture on 2 toasted WW [whole wheat] pieces of bread with LF cheese), 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P fruit, LF cheese
4. 4P ** Free Meal- Salsa Festival
5. 6P CC RTD
6. 8P CC RTD
Su- No WO (only 5 meals on Sunday and no supplements)
1. 9A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture
2. 11A CC RTD
3. 3P tropical tuna sandwich, veggie
4. 5P ** Free meal- tacos, spanish rice **Free Treat- churros
5. 7P CC RTD
Week 2
Monday- WO. 8-9A
1. 10A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal vitamin
2. 12P chicken pita pizza (EFL #261), 2 CLA
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P grilled chicken salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Tu- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg mixture, Kellogg's All Bran cereal, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P CC RTD
3. 2P chicken pita pizza, 2 CLA
4. 4P 3 boiled egg whites, fruit
5. 6P steak, roasted red potatoes, veggie, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
W- WO. 6:30-7:30A
1. 8:30A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre--natal
2. 11A turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 1P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P enchilada soup (EFL #132), salad, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Th- WO. 6-6:30A
1. 7:30A egg enchiladas, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 10A LF cheese, fruit
3. 1P left-over enchilada soup, salad, 2 CLA
4. 3P CC RTD
5. 6P sesame beef stir fry (EFL #125), 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
F- WO. 8-9A
1. 10A egg mixture, oatmeal mixture, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P left-over stir fry, 2 CLA
3. 2P LF cottage cheese with FF yogurt
4. 4P CC RTD
5. 6P ** Free Meal- pizza night, 2 CLA
6. 8P CC RTD
Sa- WO. 8-8:30A
1. 9:30A egg sandwich, 2 CLA, 1 pre-natal
2. 12P turkey sandwich, veggie, 2 CLA
3. 2P CC RTD
4. 4P ** Free Meal- Out to eat w/ Gerald and Rachelle
5. 6P CC RTD
6. 8P CC RTD
Week 0: Pics and Stats
I can't even begin to tell you how embarrassing this was for my husband to take these pictures. And the only reason I post them publicly online even though risking major humiliation and embarrassment, is because I know it will motivate me to be diligent and be able to put up better pictures as fast as possible and to be able to publicly hold myself accountable. Please don't be too disgusted by me!Stats and Measurements:
BF% measured at www.biofitness.com/bodyfat.html May not be completely accurate, but at least it will be consistent!
Weight: 195.4
Bodyfat %: 36
Fat weight: 70.4 lbs.
Lean weight: 125
Neck: 14
Chest: 46
Biceps: 14
Forearms: 10.5
Hips: 43
Waist: 39
Thighs: 23.5
Calves: 17
Neck: 14
Chest: 46
Biceps: 14
Forearms: 10.5
Hips: 43
Waist: 39
Thighs: 23.5
Calves: 17
This is it!
I've known about Body-for-LIFE since the first time it appeared in a Muscle Media magazine. I was only a teenager then but the first time I saw Body of Work, I was an addict-for-LIFE. I love this program and I've tried starting who knows how many times. But that's the problem see. I need to finish one of them. I'm now 25 with a beautiful daughter who's two and a half, a beautiful son who's 4 months old and an amazing husband. They deserve the best Sarah I can be. I need my health. I'm so sick of always being tired and feeling down in the dumps. I've finally been able to accomplish some huge spiritual goals in my life and am ready to move on and progress in other very important aspects of my life. I love to play soccer but when I played an adult recreational league a ehile ago I almost died. I was so out of shape and I just felt so fat and yucky every time I ran for the ball. I want to be athletic like I once was and I want to be one hot mamma! I want to be able to wear cute clothes and not be depressed every time I have to go buy new clothes and can't find anything that fits right. I want to have confidence in myself and I want the satisfaction of knowing I can accomplish this goal that I've set out to accomlish 197... or at least it feels like that many times... to accomplish. I have faith in this program because I see how it's worked for so many people. I won't even try another program because I know this is the one for me. I started this challenge April 21, 2008 and am so, so excited about it! I have the perfect end date to envision- my niece's wedding day in which I will be a bridesmaid. I want to look hot in that dress! And I am already signed up for the Walt Disney half-marathon this coming January so I need to start training like yesterday. I will not put this off any longer. I feel good that I've lost 60 lbs. since I had my son on Dec. 13th but it's not good enough. I can do this! I know I can, I know I can, I know I can...
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